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This section describes the API calls that belong to the rating endpoint.

Get The Map's Ratings

Request : /api/v1/rating/‹id›
Method : GET

Successful response :

    "status": "Ok",
    "data": {
        "avg_rating": float,
        "rating_one": integer,
        "rating_two": integer,
        "rating_three": integer,
        "rating_four": integer,
        "rating_five": integer

Failed response :

    "status": "Error",
    "message": string

Rate A Map

Request : /api/v1/rating/‹id›
Method : POST

Data :

score: Integer // 1..5

Successful response :

    "status": "Ok",
    "data": "Rating processed successfully"

Failed response :

    "status": "Error",
    "message": string

apidocs/rating.1490689742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/22 - 16:10 (external edit)